Are you and your boyfriend lovebirds? You have a boyfriend.Now U have to find out if you guys are the perfect match or not.Take my quiz!I insist! MorganB published on November 26, 2012 Stacked 1/20 Does he flirt with other girls? YES!Thanks for understanding! No!Why would he? 2/20 Has you boyfriend dated any other girl? No. Yes.15,and I think he still is... 3/20 Does he buy you anything? Yeah!It's weird! No,come to think about it 4/20 Has your boyfriend told you he loves you? Yes No 5/20 Do you like his name? Yes No 6/20 Does he order you around? Yes.I'm baiscally his maid. Heavens,no! 7/20 Do you look like the girl below? Why is she so bright?I'm always so gloomy! Yes!We could be twins! 8/20 Does he ever take off his shirt for you? No.It's always on. Yes.It's always off. 9/20 Does he ever get on your nerves? No.He's actually very sweet... Yes.He is always on the phone 10/20 Has he ever kissed you? No.But he should have... Yes.Sometimes I have to tell him to stop 11/20 Are you ready to be his wife? NOT SO READY VERY READY 12/20 Is he your type? No Yes 13/20 Do you look like the girl below? She looks just like me!We could be twins! Why does she look so gloomy!I'm always so bright! 14/20 Do you have anything in common?(Opposites do attract) I think opposites do attract cuz we are not alike anyhow! We are sooo alike! 15/20 Has he had sex with you lately? You have no idea... The last time we had sex was 2 months ago 16/20 Are you two related? No I think so 17/20 Do you love him? No Yes 18/20 Is he hot? In my words yes In my words no 19/20 Where did you meet?(What's closer) In a gloomy alley for cats In Central Park 20/20 Do you want to get married to him? Not really Yes