Which kitten will you get? Which kitten out of the choices will you end up with? Take the quiz and find out. anonymous-user-KR2LHV published on May 18, 2019 Stacked 1/8 Which is your favourite colour on a cat? Yellow/tan. Black. Brown. Grey. Other. 2/8 Pick a cat breed. Javanese. Persian. Tabby. American shorthair. Norwegian forest cat. Other. 3/8 Why would you want a kitten? To help with loneliness. They're adorable and sweet. I can post their photos on social media and show them off to my friends. I don't really want a cat. For fun. :3 4/8 What would you name your kitten? Lilly. Sprinkles. Violin. I'd name it after a celebrity. Muffin. None of these/other. 5/8 What colour do you want your kitten to be? It doesn't matter. Black. White with brown spots. Just white. Brown. A mix of colours. 6/8 What type of hair would the kitten have? Short hair. Long hair. No hair. Regular hair. It doesn't matter. 7/8 Would the kitten stay inside or outside? Inside. Outside. Both. Unsure. ... 8/8 Enjoy your kitten! I will! :3 ❤️ ? ?