Are you a neko girl? Ever wondered if you were are suppose to be a neko girl well takr this quiz to find out .? nya Sailorcecimoon published on May 29, 2016 Stacked 1/11 Do you love saying meow? Yes I LOVE IT ! MEOW! No I HATE IT! I just say it cause my friends say it. 2/11 Do you like climing trees or something else? Yes climming is so COOL! No I'm afraid I'll fall and hurt myself Defiantly I do not. 3/11 Do you like playing? Yes More less No 4/11 Do you hate water ? More less Not really Yes I really hate water Whatever 5/11 Do you think your a neko girl or boy? Yes I really really do think. OBVIOUSLY meow I don't know that's why I'm taking this quiz. I want my answer. I can't wait, 6/11 Do you like cats? CATS LOVE THEM meow More less No I really perfer DOGS. 7/11 Do you like fish? Yes most of the time as long as its not raw eeww No fish is for loser's Yes I love it. 8/11 Is this a WASTE Of time? No it wasn't. Yes this is so STUPID! I do have other better things to do I'm just taking it cause I'm board, 9/11 Do you like playing with yarn or boxes? What! Of coarse not. No. Yes I love it. If I'm really curious yes. 10/11 Would you like or comment your result ? Toatally Leave me ALONE! I GUESs. 11/11 Do you love drinking milk! Yes I LOVE it its my favorite drink More less No I really prefer soda or something else.