Which Once Upon a Time character are you? I am a big once upon a time fan ❤❤❤ Please enjoy my Quiz and leave me a comment❤ Which character are you? Kirstyo published on September 05, 2017 Stacked 1/8 How would you slaughter an enemy? Poison Dark magic/curse Sword Who needs weapons or magic! Kill them with kindness 2/8 Where is your dream home? In neverland In the enchanted forest In Oz In storybrooke 3/8 What do you think is the coolest animal? Dragon Horse Bird Spider 4/8 What colour? Blue Red Yellow Green Non of the above 5/8 What is your favourite out of the following ❤ Books Believing Broomstick Bow and arrows 6/8 Are you... Good Evil Both at times Neither 7/8 Who's your favourite character out of the following? Emma Regina Henry Snow Charming Hook Rumple Belle Baelfire Zelena 8/8 What would your ideal adventure be? Sailing around the seas Adventuring in caves Riding on a horse Using fairy dust to fly around neverland