how many kids will you have how many kids will you have. 1 or none, two or 3, 4 or 5, 6+, take this quiz and find out! wildcat published on November 24, 2012 Stacked 1/5 do you like kids oh yeah there amazing nooo yeah i guess yes i love them 2/5 how many kids do you want 1 or none 2 or 3 4 or 5 6+. 3/5 will you put your children in a orphanage ARE YOU CRAZY!! PUT MY DARLINGS IN A JAIL LIKE THAT? of course not yeah i guess never 4/5 whats your personality Crazy for children Loving Nice EVIL 5/5 will you read to your children each night yes of chourse maybe sometimes oh yeah forever, even when they are 20 no never they don't need me