How much do you really know about World War 2? This is a quiz about WW2 about the British army and air-raid shelters and every thing you would want to know about WW2 but how much do you really know? moustache published on November 24, 2012 Stacked 1/6 Who won WW2? The British team The German team 2/6 Where would people go when they here an air raid siren? Air-raid shelter There house 3/6 When the people went out to buy food and clothes what was the special book called that they bought all the items with Ration book Token book 4/6 What was the German leader called? Hitler Simon 5/6 Who was the prime minister for England during WW2? Wisten churchhill Nevil Chamberlain 6/6 What was the catch phrase of people saving food and memorials? "make do and mend" "Do not wast Food or clothe"