what is your wolfs of the island rank If you didn't take my first quiz about wolfs of the island take it first then take this one o which rank are you pup,hunter,border guard, elder, Medicine, or Leader whitetiger10 published on November 22, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Did you take my first wolfs of the island quiz Yes Of course Yeah what ? Maybe "Giggle Giggle" 2/5 what is your peronality goofball In charge Playful Helpful Serious 3/5 what rank is our favriote Pup Hunter Leader Border Guard Medicine 4/5 are you playful no only with my pups :) rareley yes awhoooo sometimes 5/5 do you want pups only if there not to serious I already have Some Maybe only if there helpful if one of them want to follow after my rank