Which of Kirby's copy abilities are you? (1)

Which of Kirby's copy abilities are you? (1)

This quiz will tell you which of Kirby's copy abilities suit you the most. (First part. Fire, Stone and Sword.)

published on November 20, 2012

Someone is bullying your friend/family member. What will you do?

Someone is bullying your friend/family member. What will you do?
Rage and beat up the bully.
Try to get the bully to stop.
Don't do anything.

What makes you angry?

What makes you angry?
Bullies and other nasty people.
It takes a lot to get me angry...so I'm not sure.
Just about anything can send me into a rage!

Are you popular?

Are you popular?
Not so much, if at all. I'm not really bothered about
being popular anyway.
I want to be popular but I'm not really all that popular.
I'm very popular.

Which of these personalities suits you more?

Which of these personalities suits you more?
Brave, Outgoing, Trustworthy.
Impatient, Hot tempered, Rash.
Laid Back, Calm, Docile.

If someone told you to do something, would you do it?

If someone told you to do something, would you do it?
No one tells me what to do!
Depends if it's important, if so then I'll do it...just at my
own pace...
If it's to help someone out, then sure.

Last Question. Would you rather be a warrior or a mage?

Last Question. Would you rather be a warrior or a mage?
Warrior, of course.
I would rather be something else.