are you a tom-boy or a girly-girl please comment and enjoy! This is my first quiz. Do you wanna know if you love bows and ribbons and pink? Or cars, tank engines and battles LPSrox6 published on November 18, 2012 Stacked 1/7 do you like makeup? If you do, what type? No way! Makeup is crap Sure! I adore makeup No I like lipsticks, lip gloss, and dark eye shadow I only wear eye liner Yer I wear it occasionally 2/7 A boy asks you out. Would do you say? It depends were... leave me alone - BEAT IT!!! Sure!!! Whatever you say boy toy! No way 3/7 I say to you "Your beautiful!" what's your reply? Why thankyou No I'm not, I'm an ugly loser Thanks but... your prettier I'm not that pretty Oh thanks! Did you hear? I'm a famous fashion model so I better prepare myself for autographs and photos! 4/7 What colour would you paint your room? PINK!!!! Light purple with white stripes red and yellow spots on orange Magenta/hot pink blue 5/7 What sort of books do you like? Cathy cassidy books Long novels Harry potter I don't like reading that much 6/7 What's your favorite colour? Purple Green Pink Blue Red None of those 7/7 You get a B in maths. How do react? I go extremely hyper and boast to all my enemies I don't react at all I scream then faint I smile proudly