What would happen if you had all the money in the world?

What would happen if you had all the money in the world?

If you had all the money in the world, what would happen? Would the world fall into pieces and people would starve of hunger or will nature be saved or even will the world become a shopping paradise? Take this quiz to get a little idea of what would happen! I spent quite a lot of effort on it! Enjoy! Please comment+rate!

published on November 17, 2012

What is your favourite colour?
(Sorry about some of the options! I couldn't really think of colours for the different personalities because you might love all sorts of colours!)

Green, blue and brown. The colours of nature!
Black, red.. all those evil colours.
How can I choose? I prefer all colours because fashion is colourful!
My favourite author's favourite colour.
Party colours!
Funky colours!

Which one is better?

Flowers! Grass! Nature!
Computer to hack into systems to destroy planet earth!
Well, probably a phone or iPod to download apps to find out about new fashions and malls!
Ummm party equipment?

If your parents said they would get you anything you want for your birthday, what would you choose?

Seeds for flowers, gardening equipment to make nature more beautiful!
Evil gadgets to destroy the world!!
New outfits!
Books! I've had a book in mind..
Party stuff! I'm planning to throw more parties and I've run out of party things!

What is your dream job?

Somebody who does studies nature and helps save the environment!
An evil mastermind!
A fashionista/model/fashion designer
A famous author
A party person! No matter what age I will be I will always love parties!! :D

What books do you prefer?

Books about nature.
Books about evilness, revenge, darkness.
A fashion booklet!
Any books! They are all quite cool! Never judge a book by it's cover!
About planning parties.

What would happen if you found yourself in the middle of nowhere?

Go around and plant some seeds to grow plants!
More nature!!
Start destroying it! I'm planning to ruin earth!
Ahhh! How will I survive without shopping?
Find a place to sit and read a book! I carry a book everywhere!
Ummm oh no! I'm throwing a party tonight! I can't miss it!

What would you do if you had all the money in the world?

Save Earth! Use money to save earth!
Ruin Earth! Let people starve of hunger! I am the ruler! HAHA!
Shop shop and shop!
Turn the world into a shopping paradise!
Buy more books!
You can never have too many books!

In your free time, what would you be doing?

Taking a long walk in the park and enjoying nature. :)
Planning my revenge on the world.
Shopping! Duh!
Reading some books!
Partying! YEAH!!