What season are you? (2) Take this quiz to find out what season your most like! Are you summer, spring, fall or winter? wafflesareyummy published on November 13, 2012 Stacked 1/6 You would prefer to hang out with... As many people as possible! my usual but new friends are always welcome! Only my best friend no exceptions! My normal group of friends 2/6 WHats your dream job? Police officer Actor/Actress Teacher Tutor/babysitter Librarian CEO of successful company Ski/Snowboard instructor 3/6 Where would you want to live? Boston The Alps Los Angeles Italy 4/6 New Friends are... Always welcome! Never allowed ok but I don't make an effort to make new friends... new friends? 5/6 What is your favorite sport? Snowboarding...Is that even a question? Soccer! Duh! Basketball! Volleyball...Im the best on the teem! Baseball none of the above Shopping! 6/6 Whats your favorite color? Blue Red Yellow Pink purple White green rainbow!