witch W.I.T.C.H girl are u? plzz do this quiz, plzzzz I'm begging u!!!! r u will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, or Hay-Lin darkrose88888888 published on November 12, 2012 Stacked 1/7 i think of a number, times it by 2, then divide by 2, then add 5, subtract 4 and end up with 14, what was my original number? 13, of course, (guess) 12, i think is this a maths lesson, i think not! 13, logical answer 'zzzz' 'zzzz' 'zzzz' what? oh i don't know 2/7 hair colour? red blonde mousey chocolate brown black 3/7 wold u rather... move to a new town be part of the out crowd not know any good jokes be shouting for the rest of your life never have any more friends 4/7 eye colour? hazel big blue cute brown-grey chocolate brown grey 5/7 fave number? 13 1 123,456,789 5 125 6/7 dream pet? frog cat dog goldfish budgie 7/7 10 times 10=? 100, easy easy, wait, 'groan' i've forgotten!!!! dun no 100, logical answer 'zzzz' 'zzzz' 'zzzz' what? wake me up when the lessons over, 'zzzz'