what halloween creature are you? Find out what scary creature is inside your dark side. It is the perfect gift to know... For you know what is good to dress up for halloween. Thezaza400 published on November 11, 2012 Stacked 1/7 Favourite colour? hmm either white or I cant choose for I am not always much of a colour you see. Brains... Oh umm wait you see maybe purple or pink because i saw a Brain... That colour BRAINS... RED for... I WILL NO TELL MEH SECRETS! Black of the night and blue of the day and yellow of the sun and.. white for da moon. GREEN! Spells are mostly green! 2/7 If you had a second choice out of these 2 awnsers of the magic one what would it be? To be invisable! To be unstoppable at full moons! 3/7 Whats your fav food... DONT PICK BRAINS LOL! Something not seen before. Brains... Something... red. Something Magical and new! 4/7 What is the colour of most spells. GREEN... oops Brains... You know what guys lets not awnser 5/7 If you wanted a power what would it be? To fly! To be invisable! To be undead and scare peoples lives without saying BOO or ROAR! To run faster than anything! To be unstoppable at full moons! To have a magic broomstick! 6/7 HELLO! Spells... What the brains! 7/7 Whats ur fav monster! GHOST ZOMBIE VAMPIRE WEREWOLF WITCH