What Sirenix fairy will you meet? What Sirenix fairy will you meet on your quests!Take this awesome(not to brag)quiz and enjoy yourself! alwaysthebest published on November 10, 2012 Stacked 1/6 How's your friend status? As long as I'm myself,I always get friends! Maybe average... 2,I need to catch up 2/6 Would you ever go in the army? I'd think about it... No WAY! YES!It's my dream! 3/6 What house do you live in? A two story nothing too big A mansion but I'm too chicken to admit it Does a trailor count... 4/6 What's your fav movie? Romantic Adventorous,scary,thrilling... Dramatic,but nothing scary 5/6 What's your fav color: Orange Pink Navy Blue 6/6 What power did you enjoy most? Enchantix Beleivix Sirenix