What's your personality? (1) What is your personality? What is your personality? What is your personality? Minnie364 published on November 06, 2012 Stacked 1/5 What are your favourite colours? Rainbow! Campfire colours (Red, orange, yellow, brown etc.) The primary colours White, black and grey 2/5 What's your favourite lollie? NERDS! Chocolate animals! Minties Sour candy 3/5 What's your desktop background? SpongeBob BUNNY! A Calendar Solid colour 4/5 What happens when you do your homework? Draw a funny cartoon with speech bubbles, and the facts in the speech bubbles. Animals saying facts and use animal stationery! Tidy everything up then colour code everything... complete with a key. Do it how the teacher told me to. 5/5 What's on your pencilcase? Random cartoons I drew... and jokes I made up! Pictures on baby animals safety-pinned on! A key to what goes in each pocket Nothing.