Does he like you? (3) Does your crush like you,does he love you or does he even care that you exsist.Take this awesome quiz to find out! alwaysthebest published on November 04, 2012 Stacked 1/5 You call your crush,because he never came to the dinner he had planned.You: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!AN IDIOT!OF COURSE HE CAME! Don't call at all!You'd probarly have a fight anyway! Call him but know he didn't do it on purpose 2/5 Oh no!You saw your crush with another girl!You: Think calmy!He didn't even kiss her yet! Just smile!You know it's just his math tutor!He tells you everything Already know he likes her more! 3/5 You just made the cheerleading squad.Your crush: Dosen't even pay you a glance Hugs you and gives you cupcakes Gives you an encouraging smile and gets back to his football game 4/5 Your friends think your crush is super cute.You: Know that he already told you that your friends would never match him up Don't even try to stop them!Your crush already told you that they would never fall in love Tell them to stop being silly!They already have boyfriends 5/5 On your birthday your super suprised that: Your crush isn't there...oh well.You guess you were excpecting it. Your crush says he couldn't make it but will give you a gift tomorrow! Your crush shows up with a bunch of roses and a card!