How Girly are you?

How Girly are you?

Are you super girly like those awesome movie girls.Take this quiz to find out if you truly are girly?

published on November 03, 2012

It's spirt day and you:

It's spirt day and you:
Are chasing the bully in your science class
Working out in your spirt shirt

It's the best day to ride a bike.You:

It's the best day to ride a bike.You:
Give in and ride your bike
Stick out your tounge and do your nails

There's a new boy and he's super cute!You:

There's a new boy and he's super cute!You:
Sigh,and roll your eyes
Crave for his attention

Your fav color is:

Your fav color is:

What Barbie are you most like?

What Barbie are you most like?
All barbies can relate to me in someway
Barbies just stink!