Wolf Ranks- .:Fallen Glory:. Find out what your rank is here! Answer truthfully! There are the ranks Alpha to Loners... which one will you be chosen as? ISeeYou published on November 03, 2012 Stacked 1/10 Would you rather... Stick your hand in a vibrating box? I'm a risky person! Sleep in a box with cobras? I might die... Have Gatorade saliva? I would never be thirsty again! Have a pet unicorn? MAGICAL EPICNESS!!! Be rich and go bankrupt? Uh-oh... Be stranded in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by venomous sharks? I can take them on... 2/10 How are you described by others? Timid and quiet. Loud and obnoxious. Smart and successful. Bully-like and loud. 3/10 Are you picked on a lot? Nope, I pick on others. No. Yes, all the time! A little... 4/10 What's your favorite season? Winter Summer Fall/Autumn Spring Dry Season Wet Season 5/10 Want to fight? Tail errect, you stand your ground. THREATEN ME AND YOU DIE! Don't hurt me!!! 6/10 You challenge your authorities. Nope, wouldn't dream of it! That's me. Sometimes... 7/10 What is your favorite color? Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet Black White 8/10 Do you like food? Who doesn't??? I don't eat a lot... I do, but I like to stay fit... for the ladies! 9/10 Are you strong, and make the other guys jealous? Hell ya! Nope, not meh. 10/10 What is your favorite animal? Dragon Unicorn Shark Serpent Wolf Tiger Guinea Pig I can't choose! All of the above! :O