Would we be a great couple? (2) Take this quiz to see if we would be a great couple or not. Hope u enjoy. XxChristoferDrewsWifexX published on November 01, 2012 Stacked 1/9 Do you believe in god? yes and no... i mean who created god? yes Yes and if you dont then ur a bad person no 2/9 are you a judgmental person? No Sometimes Yes 3/9 are you emo? Yes im emo no nothing close to that no but im goth No im scene No im punk 4/9 I like creating my own languages.... would you join me? :D fo esruoc I lliw. :) ummm no we have plenty of languges. ummm well is it difficult? 5/9 Would you mind if I was Emo? No of course not... why should I? Nope. Im Emo as well ;) ummmm I don't really like Emo people... 6/9 Whats ur faverit bands? asking alexandria ,dope ,blink182 ,linkin park, etc blood on the dance floor, medic driod, etc Justin bieber, black eye peas, hip hop, rap, etc Country 7/9 What Do you like in a girl? fun, crazy, energetic, full of spunk. someone who likes reading or always wants to be with me. someone who can understand me 8/9 Where would you like are first kiss to be? At the movies At the park At your house At a amusement park 9/9 How old are you? 14-16 17-19 19 or older 13 or yonger