how much do u hate qfeast? so let's get over this little shit. asdfghjkl, i rly hate qf rn. hi, qf, if ur taking this quiz. u'll grow to fuccing hate urself. published on May 06, 2019 Stacked 1/7 benedict cumberbatch edits by brea genius suck pretty good 2/7 r u a catfisher yes but i failed miserably yes and i'm pro no 3/7 do u dare say pants? yeahme: say ityou: sry, but nome: what's the point yeah; pants nome: go to hell 4/7 my cursed qfeaster quiz got deleted oh fûck u deserved itme: hon...shut ur ass up well, it wasn't nice but such a pity 5/7 ur reaction when qf deletes cabbage every time? angry/frustrated annoyed who's cabbage happyme: fück urself i'm sad but couldn't give a crap how dare they 6/7 When q bans u 4 saying pants ur reaction ha, that bitch aw, knew it i think they were right. this is stupid*me in the background throwing a tantrum* 7/7 do u block ppl a lot yes sorta no