Are you/would you be over protective Babysitter/mom/dad? Do you want to know if you are a over protective Person.Lets find out :) kikizoey4me published on October 21, 2012 Stacked 1/5 your 12 year old son says hes going to a friends house and that he will be back by 8 O'clock Hes not back at 8 u Call his friends mom at 8 sharp and say to bring him home Whatever give him till 9- then call his mom and ask where he is 2/5 You lose sight of your 8 year old in a pool what do u do Yell their name over and over don't bother he/she will find me later look for him quietly then watch him/her from a far. 3/5 You 9 year old daughters school nurse calls to say shes running a 103 temp.What do u do Tell her to tough up and stay at school Say you will come get her ASAP Bring her home and baby her 4/5 Your 11 year old wants to watch a pg-13 movie U. Yea Whatever NOT TILL YOU R 18 I'll think about it-What movie 5/5 O' no ,Theres a hair in your sons sandwich what do u do Pick it out throw it away make him eat hair and all