What element do you master can you control Fire, Water, Frost, Sky, Earth, or Night? Which of these most fit with your personality DaughterofVengance published on October 20, 2012 Stacked 1/8 lots of close friends? a few...as long as Im strongest water frost none everyone my children 2/8 What do you do for fun read or search stuff you are curious about spending time with people who are all different and unique Practicing with weapons or other things that will make you powerful spend time with close friends trying to make them smile stick with your closest friends and talk about casual topics your alone time is your happy time 3/8 What's most important Peace Logic Pride Solitude Strength Love 4/8 do you take comfort, or are you the one comforting take give both are good does it really matter? comfort with words comfort with deeds 5/8 What's your favorite color Blue Red silver any black green 6/8 Which scare you Night Fire Fire, Night Fire and night none night, fire 7/8 which elements do you feel safe around All of them Not really any of them Mainly Frost, but Earth, water and Sky are ok... mainly Water but frost and Earth and Sky are ok Your good on your own, but Earth is nice You try and feel safe with all, but thats hard at times 8/8 Where you you rather be? Watching flames dance in a fire or some place warm On a beach or by a river with you feet in the water A place with snow or ice everywhere, nice and cold air Anywhere dark, where no one can see you On the highest building looking over at the world below sitting in a forest where you can enjoy nature