Who's That Pokemon!? Which starter Pokemon are you? And from what generation. What are you like? kcekjm published on October 10, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Do you like School Yeah its good Only if i'm class clown When I get older I gonna blow up all schools, if I feel like it EWWW No Way ZZZZ (Snore) No I'm always getting Detention No, well yes, actually no, maybe hmmmm It's okay i guess 2/5 What do you like to Eat? Whatever's on the table Your mom ohhhh Blood Pizza but only when i say so I dont really care. As long as I have food to eat and be grateful for Red Bull, Monster etc ONOMNOM You pick I guess 3/5 What do you want to be when you grow up Who knows, Who cares An astronaut, Scientist , Athlete, Monkey, and Teacher A rock god. LALALA OHHH WHOO Can I go home yet? The most Wonderful Person in the World Anyone with Nukes A Fart Machine PFT Whatever my parents want, until they annoy me 4/5 If you saw a friend in trouble, What would you be like? Oh No Which Friend???? I must help I'll may a joke to cheer him up after, that is If he isn't dead I'll beat the crap out of his bully, later though, too comfy right now Let him starve, I don't need him I have other friends Umm IDK???? Jump around YAYA around!!!! I'll help him him him help him I will ireallywanttohelphimplzletme Whatever you say boss 5/5 What is your favorite Pastime Whatever I'm told Hmmm good question Idk really I have alot EVERYTHING HAHA! Jump around YAYA around! Um poetry? is that right? Sports Duh Killing People, i mean naps Joking around with Friends After-school activities, non-athletic