who's your family this quiz will show you if you are part of the snow family or the everdeen family. primerose published on January 26, 2015 Stacked 1/6 what's your favorite book the hunger games catching fire mockingjay none I hate them all 2/6 what animal do you like dog cat mouse bird any I love them all 3/6 there is no food for your family to eat what do you do go hunting and gathering sale your body for the money steal food for the stores put your name in the drawing more times for the gathering 4/6 what's your favorite type of music country rock and roll hip hop instrumental vocal any type I'm not picky 5/6 who is the cutest boy gale peeta 6/6 what's your favorite color black or anything dark all of the colors flames water yellow or anything bright anything in the middle of bright and dark it does not matter