Discover Your Dog's Personality! Take this quiz to find out which of these adorable dog personalities best matches your furry friend. michelle published on February 22, 2024 Stacked 1/11 What does your dog do when meeting new people? Excitedly greet them Shy away Bark at them 2/11 How does your dog react to loud noises? Curious but cautious Cower and hide Bark back 3/11 What does your dog do when you come home? Slowly approach with caution Jump and wag their tail Bark excitedly 4/11 How does your dog play with other dogs at the park? Stick by your side Take charge and lead the pack Run around and play non-stop 5/11 What does your dog do when they want attention? Nuzzle and lick your hand Bark or nudge you Sit quietly and stare 6/11 How does your dog react to strangers approaching your home? Growl or bark defensively Hide or stay behind you Tail wagging, eager to meet them 7/11 What does your dog do when they see a squirrel? Get distracted and lose interest quickly Watch from a distance Chase after it eagerly 8/11 How does your dog react to getting a bath? Try to escape or resist Nervous and hesitant Excited and playful 9/11 What does your dog do when they want to go for a walk? Bring you their leash and wag their tail Wait patiently by the door Bark or jump around to get your attention 10/11 How does your dog react to a new toy? Instantly grab it and start playing Sniff it cautiously before engaging Guard it possessively 11/11 What does your dog do when you are sad? Sit quietly by your side Bring you a toy to distract you Lick your face and cuddle with you