What is your super power? (please comment, i'm curious) Have you ever wondered what your super power would be? well take this quiz to find out, and i know that the picture is ugly captainqwerty published on April 06, 2016 Stacked 1/9 How fast do you get ready in the morning you:why should i tell you, creep me: ok i already know anyway 2-5 mins 6-9 mins 10-13 mins 14-17 mins 18-21 mins 22-25 mins 26-29 2/9 have you ever unleashed a shock wave of energy? yes it was right after i got hit a bunch yes no 3/9 Are you a fast runner? yes, i can run 3 in 2 mins yes, very fast Faster than everyone in my state yea ī take very long strides and it feels like i'm floating yes i can go across the world without moving in 0 seconds flat 4/9 have fire's ever apear randomly around you for no reason? yes, and when i'm around bon fires everyone says it's hot but it feels cold to me, and it feels like i control the fire no yes but it has from the friction of my feet on the carpet 5/9 have you evermade someone do something you want them to so against their will? yes yes but they saw my flaming hand i just show off my strength and they do it i show them my speed and they do it 6/9 have you ever found your self floating? yes yes but i was on fire no 7/9 How strong are you? i can lift cars easily and i don't even work out i'm like a pro wresler no but i'm a fast puncher idk when ever i get into a fight i suddenly find myself in a different place i'm not strong at all but when ever i get into a fight i can predict my enemies moves i don't feel a thing whenever i'm hit 8/9 Do you feel anything when you get hit? i've never gotten hit before i'm to fast no i'm usualy out of the way before i do get hit, almost like i teleported yes i've been hit by cars but i never feel a thing i've never goten hit usualy whatevers going to hit me catches on fire before it does pain 9/9 do you here voices in your head? yes no yes but i have mpd