iCarly Character Quiz! Take this fun quiz to discover which iCarly character you are! AmazinglyAmberYT published on February 20 Stacked 1/9 Which word best describes you? Sweet Intelligent Adventurous Creative Protective Funny 2/9 Choose a color... (sorry for the question) Pink or purple Orange or red Black or dark gray Blue White Yellow 3/9 Which episode of iCarly do you like the most? iPilot iWant More Viewers iHatch Chicks iWanna Stay with Spencer iWant to Date Freddie iGo One Direction 4/9 Who is your favorite guest star from the show? Michelle Obama Emma Stone Drake Bell Jack Black Jim Parsons One Direction 5/9 What is your favorite type of snack? Something sweet Galini's coconut cream pie Something spicy Do spaghetti tacos count? Healthy options, like fruit All the food I can get my hands on 6/9 What role do you typically play in your friend group? The leader The tech support The troublemaker The eccentric one The worry-some one The goofy one 7/9 What is your favorite type of movie? Comedy Sci-fi Action Anything with creativity Family-friendly films Something weird and funny 8/9 If you could be friends with any of these side characters from iCarly, who would you choose? Shelby Marx Lewbert Guppy 9/9 Are you a Creddie (Carly and Freddie) fan or a Seddie (Sam and Freddie) fan? Creddie Seddie Neither