
Are you an independent loner, a lovable socialite, or just a big-eyed cuddler? Find out how your cat personality matches up!

published on April 18, 2023

When someone offers you a treat, do you take it?

When someone offers you a treat, do you take it?
Only when I'm in the mood.
I hesitate

Looking for a place to nap?

Looking for a place to nap?
Nest in a cozy nook.
Anywhere and everywhere!
My own spot is best.

What do you do when strangers pass?

What do you do when strangers pass?
Greet them!
Ignore them.
Watch them closely.

Do people often stop to pet you?

Sometimes, if I'm lucky.
No way, I'm too shy.
Yep, all the time!

Which kind of toy do you like best?

Which kind of toy do you like best?
Bounce it around with a pal.
Chase it around all by myself.
Cuddle it close.

Where do you prefer to jump and climb?

Where do you prefer to jump and climb?
Wherever the friends are.
Towards the people I know.
Where nobody can see me.

Do you like to stay in rooms or leave?

Do you like to stay in rooms or leave?
Right here with them.
Somewhere by myself.
Somewhere close by.

Do you like to explore?

Do you like to explore?
Sure, when they come.
It depends.
Love it!

Are you eager to learn new things?

Are you eager to learn new things?
Depends on what it is.
Exploring alone is more fun.
Always curious!.

Would you like to play with another cat?

Would you like to play with another cat?
I don't need another cat.
Yes, they're all my friends!
Perhaps, if they let me.

Do you like to play hide and seek?

Do you like to play hide and seek?
Yes, with them!
I'm the master of hiding!
Depends on the mood.

Are you ok being left alone?

Are you ok being left alone?
No way!
Sometimes, but I'm lonely.
Yes, I like my privacy.