Cat-stronizered? Are you an independent loner, a lovable socialite, or just a big-eyed cuddler? Find out how your cat personality matches up! delya90 published on April 18, 2023 Stacked 1/12 When someone offers you a treat, do you take it? Only when I'm in the mood. I hesitate Always! 2/12 Looking for a place to nap? Nest in a cozy nook. Anywhere and everywhere! My own spot is best. 3/12 What do you do when strangers pass? Greet them! Ignore them. Watch them closely. 4/12 Do people often stop to pet you? Sometimes, if I'm lucky. No way, I'm too shy. Yep, all the time! 5/12 Which kind of toy do you like best? Bounce it around with a pal. Chase it around all by myself. Cuddle it close. 6/12 Where do you prefer to jump and climb? Wherever the friends are. Towards the people I know. Where nobody can see me. 7/12 Do you like to stay in rooms or leave? Right here with them. Somewhere by myself. Somewhere close by. 8/12 Do you like to explore? Sure, when they come. It depends. Love it! 9/12 Are you eager to learn new things? Depends on what it is. Exploring alone is more fun. Always curious!. 10/12 Would you like to play with another cat? I don't need another cat. Yes, they're all my friends! Perhaps, if they let me. 11/12 Do you like to play hide and seek? Yes, with them! I'm the master of hiding! Depends on the mood. 12/12 Are you ok being left alone? No way! Sometimes, but I'm lonely. Yes, I like my privacy.