Which Car Should You Have? Have you ever wondered what type of car you should have? Take this fun quiz to find out! AmazinglyAmberYT published on August 22, 2024 Stacked 1/10 What's your favorite car brand? Jeep Subaru Toyota Ford Chevrolet 2/10 What type of car do you want? Convertible Truck SUV Mini van Other 3/10 What is your favorite color? White Black Gray Red Blue 4/10 What's the first thing you notice about a car? How clean it is How new it looks How shiny the mirrors are The color The logo 5/10 What is one thing you look for in a car? Comfort Reliability Speed Power Color 6/10 Would you want your car to be more modern or old-fashioned? Modern Old-fashioned 7/10 Would your car be pet-friendly? No, not at all! Maybe Yes, absolutely! 8/10 How would you describe yourself? Strong Adventurous Loud Quiet Loyal 9/10 Choose a number from 1-5... 1 2 3 4 5 10/10 Did you enjoy the test? Yes Kinda No