Are you CeeCee or Rocky? This Quiz will show you if you are most likely like CeeCee jones or Rocky on shake it up chicago; a famous show on disney channel. ( Cee Cee : Bella Thorne. Rocky: Zendaya kass1551 published on October 07, 2012 Stacked 1/5 You teacher wants you to be janitor for today and clean an stoped up toilet what do you do? EWWW NO WAY JOSE WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS? Let's do this if this is what it takes imam give 150 % 2/5 Scream5 watch it? NOOOO U REALLY R CRAZY STUFF PUTS THINGS IN UR MINDS WHAT?!? I HAVE 2 SEE THT WHEN DO I HAVE TO SNEAK OUT? I NEED A ROPE! 3/5 Favorite kind of drink. ENERGY DRINKKK 5 CANS IS MORE THAN 200 GALLONS OF COFFEE =D something healthy that can give me a little taste 4/5 If there is a wild party going on and you want to go but your parents said no what do you do? Oh, well to bad guess i can't go. Wait till my parents go to sleep and sneak out NO PROBLEM! 5/5 Would you ever get caught texting in class? ME?!? U MUST BE CRAZY DUH! everyday