Which Creepy Hollows Mascot are You? Which of the 3 Creepy Hollows Mascots are You? Take this quiz to find out! creepyhollows published on October 04, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Your favorite snack would be.... Fruits Chocolate Popcorn 2/5 Your perfect day would be spent... In quiet meditation reflecting on the ancestors & spirits around you Star-gazing and wondering about what is hidden amongst the Universe & galaxies Spending some time in nature & loving the glory of the outdoors 3/5 I sleep... On my back On my side On my stomach 4/5 If you had to choose one, you would choose to work with which of the following races... Angels Immortals Dragons 5/5 Your favorite movie from this list would be... The Last Airbender The Last Starfighter The Last Unicorn