Which Striker Are You? Find out what striker you are and what you are like. Just take the quiz I hope you end up with your fav tybhnfrndrvgjk published on October 02, 2012 Stacked 1/5 My favorite Striker is? ShadowMoon RavenFeather MoonCrystal. NightFang. 2/5 You see an intruder in your territory! You? Fight them, they are not of my clan! Question them first. They may have a good reason. Fight them! I will claw there eyes out! I don`t fight unless necesary. 3/5 If you were to discribe me in one word you would say? Loyal Mysterious Mean Fun 4/5 If you were to leave your clan where would you go? I would fight a rogue out of there territory and stay there. I would move to another clan and stay there. I would find a place with healing herbs. I would never leave my clan! 5/5 I have to kill this cat or be kicked out I would rather? Kill it. Painlessly. Kill it. Brutally. Leave. I won`t but I will chase it away. Leave. I am not harming it.