A brony's 2d fighter test find out what kind of character you would be in a pony based 2d fighter game Infernosqueezy published on September 28, 2012 Stacked 1/12 You have a tag team story mode with One of the Mane6 A background pony an antagonist like nightmare moon, discord, or chrysalis Other 2/12 When attacking your character tends to grunt whine talk stay quiet 3/12 You have a hard time fighting An antagonist like nightmare moon, discord, or chrysalis Everypony One of the Mane6 Other 4/12 You normally choose to fight at Canterlot Castle Ponyville The Everfree Forest Personal Location 5/12 Would you most likely team up with Twilight Sparkle Applejack Derpy Hooves/ Ditzy Doo Princess Celestia/ Princess Luna 6/12 Your normally play on Cmc mode- for beginners Derpy mode- For casual players Mane 6 mode- for experienced casual players who want a challenge Alicorn mode- just the usual, if you don't know what that means then don't play this mode 7/12 Normally your character yells alot laughs mutters or whispers talks at a normal volume 8/12 When using a special attack your character uses lasers traps assistants physical attacks 9/12 Your characters final attack is dodgable/blockable undodgable/unblockable can be dodged but hard to do so can only be blocked 10/12 Your preferred method of attacking is combos combos combos super attack spamming spamming a single button switching out to your alternate fighter 11/12 Someone who is overpowered is An antagonist like nightmare moon, discord, or chrysalis One of the Mane6 Yourself Someone else who took this quiz 12/12 The majority of your characters super attacks are literally named attacks famous quotes in a different language named at random, its not important so long as its an attack