Who are you? (5) Who are you really,not the person you act like you are but your truly beautiful self JennyBearie published on September 23, 2012 Stacked 1/5 What anser do you tell you parents when they tell you to do something? yes yes, but later No Will you help me 2/5 Whats You Favorite Color? solid colors Rainbow Silver and gold Black,White and grey 3/5 Who is your favorite Actor/Actress? Josh Hutcherson Brad Pitt Selena Gomaz Kat dennings Jonny Depp Sean Penn 4/5 What is your Favorite book? The Hunger Games Catching Fire MockingJay Fifty Shades of Grey Diary of a Vampeen 5/5 Whats You Favorite Song? Katy Perry "Part of Me" Ed Sheeran "A Team" Flo Rida ft. Sia " WIld Ones"