What is your personality name? find out what your name is according to your personality!! For girls only! pizzagirl published on September 16, 2012 Stacked 1/5 there is a new girl at your school you: A) Invite her to sit with you and your friends. B) just say hi C) put your arm around her shoulder and tell her a joke D) Slip a fashion magizene in her locker, she will need it 2/5 The new girl is getting bullied in the hallway and you come in right in the middle of someone trying to beat her up, you: Go tell a teacher what is happening Start chanting along " Fight, Fight, " You like the new entertainment Say "um guys um thats um not nice" Say to the bully " Hey knock it off that's not the sulition She is my friend" 3/5 Your friend status: um IDK who is and isn't my friend 1 BFF I do everything with my 2 sidekicks and some other little friends about 15 equally good friends 4/5 Halloween is coming up you dress up like: a vending machine and I am trying to get people to also be vending machines Todo with your friends who are also charters from the Wizard of Oz Probably a vampire Omg Halloween is for losers, insted I'm going to a cool party 5/5 You just accedentaly broke a glass cup at your friends house and you: Say sorry to the whole family and offer to pay for a replacement Say OMG that wasen't my fault but sorry for who ever did Say sorry and give them 10$ Say sorry to the parents