what pretty little liar character are you who are you from pretty little liars here you find out you could be Aria, Emily, Alison, hanna spencer or even A others too rebecca.wiseman.568 published on September 14, 2012 Stacked 1/7 what do you do in your spare time go to her boyfriends apartment read/study swim shop hang with friends spy/text 2/7 how are you described the leader shy creative geek fanisable mean 3/7 would you blackmail someone maybe no aways only if i had to never 4/7 whats your secret i steal im gay i made someone blind i kissed my sisters boyfriend i love my teacher i dont have any i know them all thought 5/7 what is your favorite sport tennis swimming people hunting does shopping count i dont other 6/7 what kind of boys for you popular not mine er i don't like boys likes me for who i am don't care just as long as they love me someone older then me 7/7 who would you go out with Ezra maya maybe ian caleb toby i hate them all