What Style of Dance Should You Take? Should you take modern, hip-hop, tap, ballet, jazz, or something else? Find out in this quiz! kinkajousrule published on July 25, 2015 Stacked 1/6 How quickly can you move your feet? Very quickly Average 2/6 What kind of music do you want to dance to? Pop Really fast and from a foreign country Either fast or slow; depends on the dance. Slow Sad Usually fast 3/6 Which part of dance is your favorite? Flips, tumbling, and stretches Slow turns, arm motions, and plies Foot motions, tapping, and the fast music Leaps and turns Break-dancing 4/6 What attire would you like to wear to dance class? T-shirt and Sweat-pants Flowing Dress Leotard and Shorts Fancy short dress with long sleeves Leotard Something flashy and sparkly 5/6 How do you want to look when you dance? Anxious Happy Elegant and Beautiful Cool Flexible 6/6 How flexible are you? Very flexible Pretty flexible Average Not very flexible