Hogwarts Life- Part 2 Well, this is just continuing from where Hogwarts Life-Part 1 left off! Please comment!! Nobody.07 published on September 03, 2012 Stacked 1/5 What were you trying to get? The Couragous, Brave Gryffindor! The Friendly, Loyal Hufflepuff! The Brilliantly Logical Ravenclaw! The Cunning, Stealthy Slytherin! 2/5 What traits are most popular and geniune to your specific house?? Inventive, Brilliant, Wise! Brave, Courageous, Fearless! Friendly, Loyal, Hardworking! Cunning, Stealthy, where you find your true friends 3/5 Who is a famous person from your House?? I think Dumbledore was...? Cedric Diggory! Lord Voldemort, himself! Harry Potter! 4/5 where did the note tell you to go? Owlery Herbology Greenhouse Edge of Forbidden Forest Astronomy Tower 5/5 what did you get last time? The Couragous, Brave Gryffindor! The Friendly, Loyal Hufflepuff! The Brilliantly Logical Ravenclaw! The Cunning, Stealthy Slytherin!