What Footballer Are You? My Quiz Is About What Footballer You Are But There Are Terrible Players And There Are Brilliant Players! alec.m.ferguson published on August 31, 2012 Stacked 1/5 What pet do you own? A buffalo Shrek Cat Dog Hamster Gerbil Gay Gerbil Rat Snake 2/5 How good are you at Free Kicks? Brilliant Rubbish Alright Dont take them Amateur Not the best Not the worst The Worst Someties get them on target 3/5 How is your hair? Like Shreks Like a buffalo's Like a Badman Sick Hair Gel Hair Very Short hair Gay Hair Trying to act cool hair Weird Hair 4/5 How many goals do you score in a match? 6 5 4 3 2 1 Get sent off before you can score Never score I'm New Never scored in my life 5/5 What would you do if you got fouled? Beat up the guy who fouled you Moan all day long Roll over 20 times Trip them over Just leave it Start crying Stay on the floor Walk off the pitch Just take the free kick