What Victoria's Secret Model Are You? We all know VS Models are probably the prettiest ladies on the planet, so haven't you wondered which one you look/act most like? This quiz can tell you!!! CuteQuizzez published on August 20, 2012 Stacked 1/9 What's your skin color??? Fake-tanned. Naturally tan. Fair-skinned. Pale skinned. Dark, dark skin. 2/9 What color looks best on you? Pink! White. Blues and silvers. Greens. Blacks and whites. 3/9 Color of lips? Red/Pink. Pink. Pale pink. Flesh-tone. Brown. 4/9 Personality? Quiet. . . but will talk when spoken to. Very loud. Pouty-ish. Loves to laugh. Polite. 5/9 What is your hair color??? Blond/brown. Dark brown. Golden blond. Orange/ginger. Black. 6/9 What is your eye-color??? Grayish blue. Brown. Bright blue. Green. Dark Black. 7/9 From 1-10, how hot do you HONESTLY think you are? 9-10 8-9 7-8 6-7 5-6 8/9 Do You Like Being Funny? NOPE. All serious business here. Yup! Love it! Sure. Why not? Mmm. . .I guess. I'm not very funny, but I like to laugh(: 9/9 How Famous Would You Be HONESTLY If You Were A Model? VERY. I would act, too. Pretty famous. . .not in movies, though. I'd be a model on LOTS of billboards. Kind of famous. On a couple of billboards. Not very famous. On a couple of signs in the VS stores.