What kind of bird are you? Are you a wise old owl or a cheerful canary? Take this quiz and you will find out! Lina297 published on August 15, 2012 Stacked 1/10 You love to be creative by.... Writing Dancing Singing Painting 2/10 Your friends describe you as... Peppy Easygoing Smart Different (in a good way of course) 3/10 What is your favorite way to exercise? going to the gym Running Yoga fast-paced cardio 4/10 You are known in gym class for.... your strength your speed always being gentle being light on your feet 5/10 Where would you love to go on vacation? An oceanic island I'd rather just stay home The Rainforest Anywhere! 6/10 What is your favorite school subject? Language Arts Social Studies Science Math 7/10 Your friends also describe you as: Gentle Cooperative Talkative Stealthy 8/10 What is your favorite time of day? Night Mid-day Morning Afternoon 9/10 What is your favorite color out of the following? bright yellow I love all colors! white neutral colors like brown, black, gray, and tan. 10/10 What do you eat for a snack? sunflower seeds meat fresh fruit figs