Bella and Lucca

Bella and Lucca

we are sisters and we are REALLY bored :P this quiz is pure randomness :D hope you enjoy

published on August 13, 2012

DO you wear socks to bed?

yes, pink stripy ones
no that is strange
yes, the more warm clothes the better
no, coz i have a onesi! which keeps my feet warm

Do you enjoy loud parties?

No, i would much prefer to be sleeping at home.
Yes, Parties aren't complete if I'm not there!
kinda but only small ones with people i know.

Do you like animals

only ones that don't stink
only small ones
yes, i love all animals
no, I'm scared of animals

Do you like shopping?

YES!!!! I love shopping with my girls.
I don't have any money to spend coz I'm too lazy
to work
shopping is just a waste of time and money.

Who is your fave singer?

Reece Mastin
Gamelan and asian music
One Direction

Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?
yes my boyfriend is AMAZING!
no time for boys when you are as smart as me ;)
no :( all the good guys are taken.
i think i am to young.

Are you a scrunched of folder?

FOLDER, scrunching hurts my bum :$
i don't no?? thats a stupid, un necessary