what muppet are you? are you kermit? are you piggy? are you animal? well find out in this quiz! kellygirl2 published on August 14, 2012 Stacked 1/5 are you funny? yeah, i am!!!! yeah,a bit but serious sometimes no,except when im doing a stunt i suppose but i dont try to be i hope not... no, im a serious puppet...i mean muppet 2/5 what is your hobby? singing singing,dancing and dressing up playing instruments being a stunt man acting telling jokes 3/5 are you popular? as class clown yes! no,im forgotten about often...hah... yes,im from outer space!!!! yeah,yeah ,yeah yes,im the most prettiest muppet there is! yeah,im very important 4/5 are you smart? yes i suppose yeah i am! sort of ...i guess what was the question? not really...but i do have bonkers ideas! nyah...not really no im not ...hey want a sweet! 5/5 what is your bad habit being bossy...huh... being too daring! saying a certain word too often,okay playing too many jokes on people... making too many promises...(sigh) breaking stuff and going mad!!!!