What bird are you? (1) CAROLINA CHICKADEE! RED BREASTED robin and a lot more! See what wonderful bird you are! amandamiller08 published on March 26, 2015 Stacked 1/10 What is your favorite food? MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Salmon Salad Pasta 2/10 What is your favorite movie? Wizard of Oz Sound of Music War War Z Oz the great and powerful 3/10 What pet do you have or would like to have? turtle hamster tiny cat BIG DOG!!!!! 4/10 How would your friends describe you in one word? Stalwart graceful funny sporty 5/10 What is your favorite holiday? independence day Valentines day New Years St. Patrick's day 6/10 Your mom wants you to do extra chores around the house you respond by saying... "Sure, the cleaner the better!" "Why not? You are going to make me anyways." "No! I did those last week!" "Not right now." 7/10 What is your favorite type of music? classical rock and roll jazz instrumental 8/10 You see someone on the side of the street and they are bleeding you... Use your trusty first aid kit to try to help then call someone to help if it isn't any better call 911 to help them out until they get there you stay by them pick them up and run them to the nearest hospital call 911 9/10 In what vincinity is your GPA? (If you're in school. If you're not then what was it about when you were.) 4.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 or lower 10/10 What is your favorite color? green red blue gray