Which Fairy Tail Character Are You? (3) Find Out What Fairy Tail Character You Are! Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Elfman, Mirajane, Happy And More! Xx_SilverFox_xX published on July 19, 2015 Stacked 1/7 What magic do you have? ICE >:D FIRE IS BETTER THAN ICE!!!! Celestial Keys!! :D Change Into Weird Armour And Fight With OP Swords. Fly! Shapeshifting MAN POWER!!!! 2/7 Your fighting a wizard with your magic, what's your strategy? Use A OP power and finish him of with a BURNING!!!!!! Freeze Him and throw him off a cliff :) LIKE A MAN!!!!! USE MAN POWER!!!! *SCREAMS* (Me: Calm it man! Yeesh!) Fly And Slice Him With My Claws (Cat Style :D) Get On Epic armour and equip a giga-sword and fight him to the death, REDHEAD STYLE!!!! Shapeshift into different people and confuse him. Finish him off with a girl punch xD OPEN GATES OF THE CELESTIAL DOORS!!!! TAAAAUUUURRRRRUUUUUSSSSSS!!!!! 3/7 Your friend just betrayed you by telling the whole school your deep secret, you would: BURN HIM INTO PEICES!!!! Talk nicely to him about it :) Fight with him ALL day until he dies!!!! Make him pay for his sins. >:D DO WHAT A MAN DOES! D:< Debate Get up in HIS FACE and threaten him. :3 4/7 Fate Fate :) Fate >:D Fate Is Here Fate Will Be Here Fate IS ALREADY HERE Fate Is... well... idk FATE WILL BE SLICED TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5/7 Will You Fllw Me? Cmnt? Yes Maybe No Aye! Shuuuure NO, LIKE A MAN (Me: Aweeeee D:) Yes! 6/7 You Smell Food, what happens next? I go.....wait.. food?! FOOD?!?! I EAT EVERY BITE OF IT AND SAY THANKS TO WHOEVER GOT IT FOR ME. I LEAVE WITH A FULL BELLY :D I'm a bit hungry, I would eat some salad... or iceberg lettuce (he-he get it) Just Keep Walking In Hopes Natsu Won't Be There :3 Eats ice cream :3 Asks if anyone wants the food then eats the leftovers. Eat It all. Just Like Meh comrade. MEEEOOOOWWWW! (Me: AWE A Kitty!!!) EAT A ALL AMERICAN BURGER LIKE A MAN :D 7/7 Well, What's Your Color? Sorry! Pink, White, Red, Anything Bright. Anything Inside FIRE! Any Shade Of Blue Green, LIKE A MAN! Pink, Red, Girly Colors. Rainbow! Blue And Green. PERIOD. Anything... Just Anything, Idc.