Are you insane? (2) Hii I'm insanely insane and Thi sis my first quiz I hope you enjoy! So this is are you insane InsanelyInsane199 published on September 04, 2016 Stacked 1/6 Do you talk to yourself? Yes, I do. Like all the time Nahhhhhh 2/6 Do you hear voices in your head? Mhm Sally right now is saying "BURN EVERYTHING" (me: sammmeezes) No all I hear is people around me, talking No not often 3/6 Alone or crowds Alone, that's when I like to talk to my voices Crowd!!! 4/6 RP TIME!!! So you are waiting for a train, five guys fell and now are stuck on the rail way, a tall fat man is I front of you. Do you push him in and kill him or kill the five people? KILL THE FIVE PEOPLE kill..him I guess 5/6 How often do you go to social events? Never I like being alone with my voices Always!! 6/6 So your at Christmas dinner, do you ignor your family members or talk to them Talk to them duuuh Ignor, ignor, ignor