me vertion of what cryptid are you find out what of my 4 favorite crpitds are you. EXATMENT. FUN. STRANGENESS bad spelling. Mothman published on July 20, 2016 Stacked 1/10 what is the thing you hate the most being called a lain in a suit and reptilian people IN MY TURF being confused with some on else the mieda 2/10 Favorate color red dark brown white black 3/10 if you see a something in you home area what do you do Case it kill it Scare it Nearly kill it 4/10 fravoute animal GOATS owls Moths Salamanders 5/10 where would you like to live THE UK Maryland (not the biscuits the sate) West Virginia (point pleasant) West Virginia (flatwoods) 6/10 witch one of thses weopon would you use AXE a toxic smell fear being British 7/10 what do you think is the worst thing about you anger issuses Bad B.O (body order) so old so very old and tiered lonely so very lonly 8/10 witch of thses powers would you like. hovering Flying and glowing eyes flaying and not get sleepy shape shifting 9/10 is this quis cool NO pretty cool YEAH the most amazing quiz ever 10/10 is this cool i would never watch it no sourt of YEAH IT EPIC