Quix 2 15 people (my goal for Quix) took it so here comes another series of crazy questions! UPDATE: in Quix 2 there IS a fail choice on most questions. Fearless published on August 09, 2014 Stacked 1/11 how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood omg seriously?! 2/11 Are you a cheeseburger? yesh! of course not! are you insane? 3/11 oranges. grapes. that isn't a question 4/11 Apple pie or donuts? Apple pie! Donuts! 5/11 Art thou old or in youth? old I'm young Shakespeare! 6/11 Do you have a tablet/iPad? yes no 7/11 Quix 2 has one more question than Quix. yes. no. 8/11 Who is a better singer? Justin Bieber Ariana Grande 9/11 Kee kaw koockoo? kee kee kaw koo. what the hell? 10/11 Is reading fun? yes! no! 11/11 Should I share my iPhone with my brother? it's an iPhone not a wePhone yes