What will happen in your future? Here's a quiz that will tell you how your future will be! Rich? Poor? Find out now! mooquizzes published on August 02, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Green? Blue? Brown? Orange? Green..means money, right?(: Brown.. the color of mud.. Blue.((: Orange.. 2/5 A poor man is on the street with no money and has cuts and bruises all over. What do you do? I probably know him.. Laugh and remind myself that I'm better. Give him a few bucks.(: Walked by as if I didn't see him. 3/5 Love? or Money? MONEY MONEY MONEY! I'm stuck.. I could use the money. But my family and friends mean so much to me. Money! I NEED IT! Love.<3 Ehh. Who needs love really..?! 4/5 What's your favorite meal? Grilled salmon with lemon drizzled on top. With a side of Greek salad, Left overs from a sandwich I took from my parents house.. Salad and a burger. A pizza with some fries and coke. 5/5 What is your favorite drink? Water.. Tea or Coffee. Soda! Juice.