Which cartoon character describes your personality?

Which cartoon character describes your personality?

I just want everyone to know about this quiz. I tried my best on this quiz and hope there will be no haters. This is a VERY accurate quiz its so true its creepy!

published on August 02, 2012

What is your dream job?

What is your dream job?
A. A office
B. Doctors field
C. Teacher
D. Working at a fast food restaurant

Your favorite color?

Your favorite color?
A. red
B. light colors
C. green
D. Dark colors

What is your hobby?

What is your hobby?
A. Drawing
B. Taking a hike
C. Doing trouble
D. Talking to friends

Are you a good eater? (be honest)

Are you a good eater? (be honest)
A. No i rarely eat
B. Yes

What kind of shows you enjoy watching?

What kind of shows you enjoy watching?
A. mystery shows
B. game shows
C. reality shows
D. nature shows

If you were stranded on a island what character from a cartoon will you take?

If you were stranded on a island what character from a cartoon will you take?
A. Winnie the pooh, i need entertainment
B.Stewie, hes smart
C. Superman
D. Dora The Explorer

What do you like to do on your free time?

What do you like to do on your free time?
A. take a nap
B. spend time with you lover
C. go outside and explore
D. read a book

What is a ideal place to chill with friends?

What is a ideal place to chill with friends?
A. My place
B. The park
C. The pool
D. Playing some sports

Favorite music?

Favorite music?
A. Slow songs
B. Rock and roll
C. Rap
D. Oldies

Final question, what cartoon character will you like to be?

Final question, what cartoon character will you like to be?
B. Spongebob
C. a superhero
D. Stewie

What is your favorite holiday?

What is your favorite holiday?
A. My birthday!
B. Christmas
C. Thanksgiving
D. Valentines day